What is the Teacher's Wallet?
The Teacher's Wallet program (formally known as Teacher's Purse) are PTA funds set aside to help cover out-of-pocket cost for items teacher's have purchased for their classrooms. Teachers may use these funds for subscriptions, books, or materials that are not covered in the school budget. Funds cannot be used for food or beverages. For the 2024-2025 school year, the Teacher's Wallet budget is $100 per teacher.
Who is eligible for Teacher's Wallet Funds?
Teacher's Wallet is limited to certified teachers (ie. classroom teachers, PE, music, technology, etc). |
How do teachers receive Teacher's Wallet funds?
To receive Teacher's Wallet funds, please submit an expense report (link below) with receipts to the PTA treasurer. (Forms can be placed in the Treasurer Folder in the PTA mailbox.) Purchases do not need to be pre-approved. Receipts can be submitted up until May 31, 2023. For additional questions on the Teacher's Wallet funds, please email: president@mycolumbiapta.org |
What are Classroom Grants?
Classroom grants are discretionary funds offered for projects, activities, books, equipment or other enhancements to the academic lives of students (excluding food/drink). Approval of classroom grants depend on the number of proposals submitted and PTA funds available. Consequently, approval of classroom grants are not guaranteed. For the 2024-2025 school year, the classroom grant application deadline is: February 7, 2025 Who can apply for classroom grants? Anyone providing direct services to students can apply for classroom grants. (Applicants do not have to be teachers). How do staff members apply for classroom grants? To apply for a classroom room grant, please submit your request/proposal using the link below. A designated PTA committee will review all proposals and try to fulfill as many grants as our budget allows. The deadline for classroom grants is: TBD |